

The KOrea Renal biobank NEtwoRk System
TOward NExt-generation analysis

Because glomerular diseases, a set of debilitating and complex disease entities, are related to mortality and morbidity, to better understand the pathophysiology, biomarkers, and treatment targets are important to improve clinical outcomes, The KOrea Renal biobank NEtwoRk System TOwaard NExt-generation analysis (KORNERSTONE), supported and reviewed by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a large, multicenter biobank and prospective cohort study for glomerular disease with extensive clinical data collection, biospecimens, and digital pathologic images.

The objectives of the
KORNERSTONE are as follows

  1. establish a collaborative, innovative deep clinical phenotype-based investigational infrastructure to carry out clinical and translational studies of glomerular disease
  2. perform a longitudinal observational cohort study of patients with biopsy-proven glomerular diseases
  3. gain insight into the pathophysiology, natural history and novel treatment targets of glomerular diseases